среда, 2. новембар 2011.

life In The Green

Ugly image that is increasingly common sight in many cities of the world . Scientists working on ecology keep warning about the consequences. Therefore, people should be aware that their behavior today , leaves a lasting mark. Still, many have neither the will nor the time to deal with these issues. They struggle for life, comfort, money ... When a disaster happens everyone says - terribly. The question is - is it possible to prevent these things from happening? Well, in many cases, it is possible. Therefore it is necessary to think ahead. The problem is too complex. small group of people can not solve it. it is necessary that the entire society works on it every day. For a start, it must not be forgotten that human beings are a part of nature and the quality of our lives depends on the environment we live in!
Individuals care about this, but it is not enough! it is necessary that all the inhabitants of this planet, make their small contribution to pollution prevention and environmental preservation.There are many ways: taking care of waste, recycling, use of renewable natural resources, care for plants and animals ... For example, to clean up surroundings, to plant a tree, to use solar panels as an energy source, and it is already done a lot! Nature will be grateful !

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