уторак, 25. октобар 2011.

Still A Dream

This is my favorite car review! Oh, I want one,  too ! Not necessarily new - I will satisfy with used car ! Only the Ferrari!

субота, 8. октобар 2011.

There's Something In The Water

Of all forms of relaxation and exercise, many people especially like activities in the water.
Those who are not always able to be at the sea, the lake or the river, often resort to an excellent alternative solution - the pools!
In time they became a common sight in many homes.No matter of whether they are used for swimming, exercising or only for relaxation, no matter whether they are private or public - they definitely beautify the life and living space.

Ever since the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans, a great attention was paid to the pool construction , depending of its purpose.
Highly important function of the pool (and perhaps the most important) is that they have been used for centuries for therapeutic purposes when it comes to many diseases - particularly pools with warm water- without them , many forms of physical therapies are unthinkable.
Anyone who is capable, should use every free moment to enjoy the activities in the water in any form because of its enormous benefits for both mind and body.

петак, 7. октобар 2011.

Treasure of Nature

All we really need is in nature. Starting with, quality air, herbs, useful animals, solar energy, precious feeling of love and unity with all that is alive around us. Do we appreciate what we have? Are we using everything we can in the right way?
Think the answer is - no!
I think people today simply do not have enough time to deal with simple questions of life. They are searching for themselves in places where they will never be found. They want a healthy environment , while polluting it.
Our lives are turned into wandering all over the sea of ​​information and persistent search for truth. Why?
Signposts are all around us and in ourselves!
Listen to your heart and the whisper of nature.

For Better Results


Frisian Horses @ sunset

- is an antioxidant, preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides. Glutathione can be synthesized in the body from the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid, and glycine.
Glutathione exists in reduced and oxidized states. In healthy cells and tissue, more than 90% of the total glutathione pool is in the reduced form .

Glutathione is a protein that every cell in your body requires to function at optimal potential.

As we get older our glutathione levels begin to decline.

There are products such as Max GXL - they can raise the glutathione to the optimal level.